I came out to my business partner first. It was a slow moving train and she seemed to know the destination even though I didn't. Maybe a year later I told my husband. Three weeks later was my mom, and by extension her partner. The cascade of confessions tore through my siblings, close friends, and random people. Every person I have told has been totally and unquestioningly supportive, and for that I am thankful in ways I cannot describe. The need to tell people once I told one is intense. I still haven't told my day job and so I haven't fully outed myself on social media. I really want to get it over with but my plan at the moment is to tell my job right before my top surgery. Because that's gonna be a topic of discussion anyway. I guess if a co-worker stumbles across this site, then I will be spared a blind-siding of the office. In addition to the desire to have everyone know and understand my identity, I have also been plagued with intense anxiet...